Sunday, February 3, 2013

Overall a productive day :)

As of today I am no longer a laundry hobo! Woohoo!!! Not that we got my precious front loading washer up and running again but as we were moving things to storage we found that we had the old washer just sitting in there. In my defense I have not visited our storage space in about 9 months other than to pay the bill. So we moved out the pretty(unusable) washer and brought back the dinosaur. But that old washer works and that is enough for me at this point. Now I'm blasting through getting caught up on the laundry which I'm much more willing to do now that I'm not lugging it back and forth from my sisters house.

For lunch we did some grilling! Yummo! We did burgers and hotdogs and grilled some potatoes which just happen to be my new favorite thing to have grilled.
Those are the cutest grill masters EVER!
I thoroughly enjoyed lunch and then laid down because this ear infection is killing the entire right side of my face. My little monster gets these fairly often( the Dr. says it's because of his respiratory stuff) and never skips a beat. As a matter of fact, he doesn't even notice them. We have been in the Dr.'s office before and found out he has horrendous double ear infections and when the doc asks if he has any pain in his ears he always shrugs and says no and he never runs a fever! At the moment I feel like a wimp because I would be willing to give my ear away to make it stop hurting.
Now it's off to do more laundry and then it is time for the Super Bowl!!!!
Also, just because I think my kid is hilarious and sometimes a bit weird in his logic, we are apparently rooting for the 49ers because Park dislikes ravens(?!) When we decided to follow pro football this year instead of just college football we had a long family discussion of which team we were going to be rooting for. It went something like asking Parker what he thought of the teams mascot and him saying whether or not he found it good or not. The we came to the Baltimore Ravens and got a very emphatic "Absolutly not the Ravens, I really don't like ravens",ok..."Parker, why don't you like ravens"..."Um have you seen those things, they are really creepy and have creepy eyes, no ravens mom, pick a different team"...ok buddy no ravens haha!

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