Monday, March 18, 2013

Treadmills, and classes, and scales oh my...

So getting my footing in the gym again has been hard. What's been the most hard has been accepting the fact that I have to sacrifice one or more of my few precious hours of sleep a day to make it these workouts happen. I've been through that part before so it is quickly becoming second nature to work and then knock out a workout before following that up with going back to work. It's also hard for me to step on the scale and see the number jump up in 2-4 lb in a week. This is also something I've dealt with before. I know my body and I know that I tend to gain muscle really easily and quickly, a lot more quickly than I lose fat but as always the pounds are now starting to drop as my body begins to get the idea of what I'm putting it through.
Here is what surprised me and what is really hard...I'm sore. I'm very sore, can't-reach-up-to-pull-back-your-hair-legs-tremble-when-you-walk sore. And I'm not sore for just a day, I've been sore for a week and its finally getting better now but I don't know if I'm just over-doing it or if its just that I'm older and more sleep deprived.
I'm definitely ready for my body to get a little stronger so all these power pump and Pilates classes can quit kicking my booty!

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