Friday, March 15, 2013

Houndstooth vinyl

So...I'm now more obsessed with the Cricut  than I was before I bought one. My baby turned 8 this week(I know that means he doesn't really count as a baby anymore but I have a hard time with the realization that he is now closer to being a teen than a baby so for now I'm still calling him my baby especially this week). His class does posters featuring the birthday kid of the week and used my Cricut to make his. I cut his name out in vinyl and then used some random paintings he did to cut out the other words and letters.  Anyway moving on, at least where I work about 3/4 of the nursing population there use clipboards to corral all the paperwork we seem to constantly have being thrown our way. On the clipboard of one of my coworkers there was a lovely little elephant cutout of black and white houndstooth vinyl(Roll Tide) and I decided right then and there that I needed some of this STAT! I have looked and looked to try to find it and have come up with nada. There is lots of houndstooth vinyl out there in crazy colors but I can't seem to track down the standard black and white kind in a roll and not a 12x12 sheet. My google skills are failing me and I've been wanting this to have on hand for when we move because my lovely little 8 yr old monster has selected a room in the new house that is already red and I want to do a monogram for his wall(clearly not in the lettering above but maybe something a little more masculine...). Ughh...I need to hurry up and find this stuff so I can quit thinking about the fact that I need it! If anyone knows where I can find some and you want to maybe drop me a hint for where to look it would be much appreciated :)
see how cute!!!! found this here

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