Sunday, March 10, 2013

Command Center Inspiration

 After adding additional jobs to my schedule it has been hard for me to get into the swing of my new routine. After a month at my second job my hours have doubled there from what I had originally planned. I have no complaints as I am very happy there and couldn't imagine working for any nicer people or with such amazing co-workers but it has made it difficult for me to continue with my normal routine. Now that a month has gone by and I'm getting the swing of things I have incorporated the gym back into my routine and hopefully will soon be doing the same with my meal plans/grocery store visits. It will be a very happy day for me when I am able to get some semblance of a normal routine back in my life but I feel like that is still going to be a couple months away. Once we get moved in to the new house I will have a lot more kitchen than I do now. With all this new counter space comes a nice little nook between the door that leads to the garage and where the fridge is. This nook I'm hoping will become a command center of sorts to help keep this crazy little schedule of mine running as smoothly as possible. I'm gathering inspiration for this and can't wait to put all these ideas together to make something that works for us. Here is where I have been getting ideas so far...
This is from The Handmade Home and while my nook doesn't offer this much wall space I like all the organization going on here
I will have a cabinet above the counter I'm planning on using and this is an option I'm definitely liking. Of course I will have to find a way to fit a chalkboard in there somewhere but I like the idea of being able to have a space for tings I can close the door on. Unfortunately the link to this site was bad but according to pinterest it is from Interior Design Ideas
This next one is impressive and elaborate and I might possibly have to spend more time on it organized than it would save me in the end by keeping me organized. However there are several pieces of this one that might work for our family, one I like from first glance is the bin for coupons and receipts. I have had several requests for me to start couponing hard core again from both family and friends and this would be a good place to stash the Sunday inserts til I have time to cut them up. Also having a place for us to drop receipts might be good for us with the new budgeting we plan on doing and may help us keep track of our spending. Tis one also had a corrupt link and so no reference for this one either, sorry, but it appears to come from One Creative Housewife.
So that's where I'm at so far. If anyone has a command center in their home that would like to share tips on what works or what to avoid I would appreciate any input you can give!

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