Sometime in December I rescued this sturdy yet ugly little gem from the end of the parking lot next to the dumpster near our apt.
And then it sat and sat while I tried to decide whether I could make it lovable or just put it right back where I found it. I kept seeing awesome furniture transformations on Pinterest using chalk paint. I considered buying the Annie Sloan chalk paint but honestly the price tag on that stuff made me want to vomit. I'm sure it is as great as everyone says but I can't bring myself to experiment with something that pricey. So I googled how to DIY some chalk paint. I found a pretty quart of blue paint at Home Depot for $2.50 (woohoo!!!!) and mixed up some of my own. I found some lovely yellow chevron canvas fabric at Hobby Lobby that was 30% off and redid the cushion. All together this chair cost somewhere around $12! and only took me a morning to finish including driving back and forth to different stores and dry time. I'm so shocked at how in love with it I am!
My first ever chair re-do, first experience with chalk paint, first time really doing re-upholstery by myself! All in all a successful morning <3
My first ever chair re-do, first experience with chalk paint, first time really doing re-upholstery by myself! All in all a successful morning <3